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How to Travel on Roadtrips More Comfortably

Memorial Day is a time to honor those who have fallen to protect us and our freedom. We celebrate the holiday with an extra day off to spend time with friends and family. Some of us will be traveling for the first time in a while. In fact, AAA predicts that 34 million people will travel this holiday weekend.

For those who suffer orthopedic pain, it requires an uncomfortable trip that will be very hard on bones and joints. The results include achy bodies, fast food meals and fatigue. In order to help battle the health implications from a challenging road trip, consider the following tips:

Make Stops During Long Trips

Add several stops into your travel timeline when planning your road trip– particularly if you have older adults who suffer from pain and will be traveling with you. Stopping every few hours to stretch and walk around is a wise idea to help improve blood flow throughout the body.

Get Comfortable

When many people are traveling in the same car, chances are that you will encounter some differences in comfort, including temperature preferences. To avoid being overly cold or hot, take precautions by having blankets within easy reach for the cold passengers. Directly point the air conditioning vents at the warmer passengers. Additionally, be sure to dress comfortably–loose fitting clothing, like sweats, are ideal for long road trips.

Pay Attention to Posture

Your posture is extremely important to help avoid achy muscles, especially for the driver. Set your seat so that you don’t have to stretch to reach the steering wheel. Avoid slouching and consider using a small pillow to support the small of your back. Use cruise control when you can so that you can keep your feet rested on the floor–a position that is easier on your back and hip.

Don’t Stress Out

Part of having a less stressful road trip involves planning ahead. Once you’re in the car, though, you can help to reduce your stress level by playing music softly or bringing headphones and individual electronic devices for individual preferences. Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing to remain calm in traffic. You might also consider downloading the WAZE app. That way, you can get a heads up about upcoming traffic and learn about alternate routes from crowded highways.  

We hope these tips help you stay more comfortable during your long roadtrip. Be safe.
